I miss that old days my friend,
when we used to ..
say hi to each other every morning..
told each other everything that we do every single day..
enjoy every single meals together..
asking each other "how are you doing today"..
sharing every story,no matter sad or happy one...
telling jokes to one another and laughing together....
and even..
say good night and pray to each other before close our eyes every night..

i miss that old days my friend...
when you kept telling me ..
that i'm your bestfren,yesterday, today and for the
rest of the day..
and you won't left me no matter what happen..

how i miss that old days my fren...
when life was so painful to traveled alone..
and you're there to wipe all my tears away..
hold my hand when i'm down...
cheers me up when i said i'm gonna cry..
i really miss that old day my fren....

dut2...00:53am 12.11.2010...