just wanna share beberapa quote yang terkeluar dari rangka otak ni sejak main fb..macam2 ada....and ol that actually define me..define what i have been learnt through my own journey..lets check it out..btw, some are from my frens(ada nama tu sana..hihi)..thanks fren 4 the contribution..hihi

- When everything seems to be wrong in your friendship, give each others time...time will heal...(emie~25.10.2010)
- Show that you are CARE for your friend, not too much, a little is enough, just to let them know that there are someone out there whom is smiling when they are smiling and crying when they are crying.... (emie~25.10.2010)
- No matter what happen to your day..or how much your duty rush you, don't ever forget to smile because your smile can calm you and even, bring sunshine to others..(emie~21.10.2010)
- Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions...(unknown~find from internet)
- I would be a bridge for 500 years in the wind, 500 years in the sun and 500 years in the rain if he would cross me once...(The Reign of Assassin-17.10.2010)
- "sometimes we struggling hard to get someone whom we desired, but da fact dat the one dat truly love u is juz right beside.. esp during ur hard times. love isnt blind, human are"-(walton wider-15.10.2010)
- Each new day is a miracle.(emie~14.10.2010)
- Sometimes, the one you loved the most will be the one you hate the most and the one you hated the most will be the one you love the most!(~homily fr.ravie~9.10.10)
- Don't ever ask for any rewards in anything you do, coz you will never feel joy & satisfaction in urself if u ask for it..just do it with all ur heart, and God will give u joys...(emie~21.9.2010)
- happiness is something that we ourself create, not something that we need to find..that how I define happiness in me-(emie~20.9.2010)
My journey creates my own quotes, my own spice of life..same goes to you..hihi..What I believe is, Life is a learning Process....Setiap apa yang kita lalui pun adalah satu proses pembelajaran yang mematangkan kita..kan....
p/s:hak cipta terpelihara..bye,sehingga berjumpa lagi..:-)