who love to know more about this small town..:-)
history~how Mukah got its name~
If you ask me about the history of Mukah, or how Mukah got it name, I'm so sorry, coz I don't
know..hahha..I only remember, when I still a little girl, someone told me(0s0 cannot remember who~org kampunglah) that Mukah got its name from Mekah..some foreign traders confius Mukah with Mekah..so they came to this place(Sebenarnya mereka mahu pergi ke mekah, xda peta or kompas time ni kan, salah pula..hee).Because of this confusion, they called this place Mukah which before this only known as kampung Melano.hahha.this only a mitos for sure...Mekah is too far away from Mukah to make people confius, but when I'm just little girl, I believe this story..hahha..so, before another frog make a fool on me about my hometown history, i make a research & with help by uncle google I found out, how Mukah got its name.The named "Mukah" is given by nakhoda kapal from Tanah Arab. He was amazed with one beautiful Melanau girl(macam saya jak ni..haha) that he and his crew saw at the first time they came to Mukah.So he called this place "muka" which refer to that girl beautiful face. For full version of this story, click here. Enough for history..now go to her story..hahha..
what so special about Mukah
Mukah is of course famaous with the variety of traditional foods.People normally refering Mukah with sago , ulat mulung, tebaloi, & the most famous one , umai..eh, another one, linut
(di sabah :ambuyat)..ABC dia, TIP TOP!hahha..and I can quaranty ,you will be satisfied with the price of the food here..Ikan pun ada manyak ma(tapi ikut musim jugalah.)
~Best place to go~
There a few beach that you can go if you come to Mukah..
*Dana Kala Beach
*Harmoni Beach
Other than that, you all can go to Kampung Lamin Dana which is where the first melanau long house was built 200 years ago.You can learn a lot of Melanau cultures here(tapi saya sendiri pun belum pergi, belum berkesempatan.hee). A lot of think I should tell bout Mukah, but, later sambung k..pasal kaul, pasal orang melanau...sukup panjang suda ni..:-)
enough story2 can..jom,tengok gambar yang sempat saya ambil sepanjang cuti ni..thanks to my driver..Mr. marcos..hehehe

ABC Mukah...RM2.00~rm2.50..yummy..

Bekas tinggalan serombong kilang sagu di Mukah(Sago factory chimney)

Kampung Nelayan..

lambakan ikan bila datang musim ikan..
post d Pantai Kala Dana, pantai tapak pesta kaul.

Atas: permandangan d Pantai Kala Dana
Bawah: Tibou~Permainan tradisional Mukah(dimainkan sewaktu Pesta Kaul)
Menara tinjau di Mukah
Icon Mukah: Ikan Merah & Udang
Ulat Mulung a.k.a Siet
so, sekian dulu kawan-kawan..ada masa, jemputlah datang ke Mukah..Mukah welcomes all of you..
anak Mukah