
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Doa buat Jepun

Sitting in front my laptop, reading some heartless Malaysian acts, making joke about Japan situation suddenly called me to write this poem down. After 4 days, lot of victims lost their family, their homes, their cars and everything..sehelai sepinggang tinggal..& suddenly, I remember cute Japanese friends of mine that I met during their visit to UTM last year..How are they? Are they get affected too?huhuhu..I hope they are in good condition right now...this dedicated to all Japanese, hope this difficult situation will end with a bright star.

Doa buat Jepun

11 Mac 2011,
Tarikh hitam buatmu Jepun,
Tsunami melanda musnah segala,
Ribuan jiwa terkorban,
Ribuan hati merintih,
seksamu Jepun, ku kirimkan doa.

Waktu kecil dulu,
Aku selalu bermimpi ke sana, ke Jepun,
Cikgu kata, "Jepun negara hebat, negara teguh,negara maju",
Lalu,aku ingin sekali ke sana.
Dan kini,
Aku masih percaya Jepun,
Kau negara yang kuat,yang teguh.
Tsunami mugkin buat fizikalmu rebah.
Tapi aku tahu,
Jiwa rakyatmu utuh, jiwa rakyatmu satu.
kau pasti akan bangkit semula.
Kau pasti akan terbit semula,
Untukmu Jepun, ku kirimkan doa,
Kuatkan hati setiap mereka, Ya Tuhan.

dari dut2 untuk sahabat2 di jepun:15 mac 2011-5:52pm-

Life is a gift to be enjoyed!

note:pemandangan senja depan rumah saya~kut muara~

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your best years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.
source: faith for Daily Living Urban

Pokoknya:Life is so easy if we think so kan...Don't make life so complicated..Cukuplah otak kita digunakan untuk belajar/bekerja, bukan untuk fikir benda yang bukan-bukan, yang menyakitkan..let us be more positive, always see the sunny side of your life.. For what mourn for a single unworthy thing, while there is much more fun out there.Cheer as much as you can.If you think you are in the hardest situation of your life, remember that,there is someone else out there that is much much more suffer than you do. Example ,If you think you are in the hardest situation right now, how bout Japanese people, they is in a big suffering after Tsunami hits Japan recently( Pray for them), much more than you ..Stop complaining about your life if you don't really living your life to the fullest. Always remember, after every sunset, there is sunrise..after every failures, there is success..tak kira sepanjang mana belukar dan onak duri yang kamu terpaksa tempuhi, di hujung jalan pasti ada pelangi indah positive ok...banyakkan senyum, banyakkan ketawa, hidup pasti cun saja:-)

p/s:emo bole sekali-sekala macam saya(bila saya emo macam mati laki kata walton.haha), tapi pastikan jumlah ketawa anda adalah jauh lebih banyak dari jumlah anda emo.