I enjoy this Easter very much.
*Easter Vigil Mass was very exciting,with musicians and choirs(both BM/BI and Tamil group) rocks the night!
Father yang lead Mass pun very cool, sporting.I love his homily very much.His meditation juga..Like when he sing..terbuai-buai dengar.
*End up my Easter Celebration with steamboat session at Master Steamboat..Thanks ya for those yang join.Yang tidak dapat join, never mind, next time kita pegi ramai-ramai k.Yang penting dalam kesibukan di tempat kerja, God gave me this awesome Easter.Thanks God for this wonderful Easter.
Hope you all enjoy that Easter as much as I do....
Seriously, 3 years here at Johor, this is the best Easter I ever had.Thanks God for your awesome love :-)
ok, end here...ngantuk sudah..line pun slow..uhuhu..nite people...
with love,