No words can decribe how amazing the night was!!
Semalam, hari yang terbaik bagi sister2 GIFT saya rasa..semua sister setuju ni saya rasa.GIFTers bro successfully carry out such a wonderful SIster's Night.with a beautiful theme "LOVES", LOVE OUR VERY EXCELLENT SISTERS, they really made my night!.what can I say, I love everything about that night.the decoration was SUPERB(cupid tu cute...)The food was FABULOUS.thanks to the chefs..appetizier sangat sedap, sampai tanpa segan silu saya minta dari meja sebelah.hahaha..Performance was FANTASTIC!you guys put all the emotion there..I Love:)..layanan brother, TERBAIK!Air dalam cawan belum sempat habis dah siap di refill.hehehe..sesaat pun x biarkan sisters kehausan.ehehehe...Gelang tangan buatan tangan tu, the most BEAUTIFUL gift in the world I ever received..I can see brothers effort in doing this..banyak lagi sebenarnya yg harus mendapat pujian, tapi macam saya cakap, tak terkata2 suda ni.Ol is AMAZING!AWESOME!Untuk bro, kalo ditanya dari 5 bintang, berapa saya akan bagi.kmu kira sendrilah k brpa byk bintg d lngit..segala bintang yang ada di langit pun blum cukup tuk mnandakan betapa saya puas hati ngan event ni..the most important things, kami betul2 rasa dihargai...and with the awards given, seriously, kami sangat terharu...Thanks 4 everything bro..Thanks god coz gve us such a wonderful brothers that always be there to shed away our tears, holding our hand in happy and sad you ol bro..njoy the to mr.photographer, rodney & Awin...:-)
me & tul dia mlm ni..
sumandak & dayung2 yg lawa...
main bisik2..
performance from 1st year..mantap!all talented..
sister2 yg dtg mlm tu..sma pun lawa2.
valentine & his valentine.hehe
ms.punctual..selalu tepat pada masanya.hehe
Ms.presidential-dedikasi & berkepimpinan:-)
Ms.Loud...c carol bha ini:-).
Ms.Gladiator-the crocodile hunter.haha
Ms.Friendly.thanks sebab rasa saya bgitu..god that makes me friendly:-)
Ms.Dependable.yup!really can depend on u Grace:-) cool si Lydia..
Ms.Cheerful.ada masa pandai ketawa x bersebab dia ni.hehe
Ms.Caring.btul, sa rsa Hazel mwarisi sifat tu dari mama dia:-)
Ms.Apperantice..u go philo:-)
pose mantap gtu..
rodney & Melanie..
Smart.pling suka ni.
wif c lydia the ""
Emie and The Other FROG band!hehehe
sempat juak photoshoot..
gift family:-)
open floor..
with King of the nite tyme bro.nite..rayner..
Mr & Mrs Director!
performance from 3rd Year:Del & Aurel..awesome!
the Emcees.daddy & son..
ms.cheerful & ms.friendly, bhgia tangga rumah:-)
Rumate ku yg menawan.sila jgn minta borg, status x dknal pasti ni.hehehe
Lovely ...
table decoration.simple but VERY NICE!
Cool.cute & creative backdrop!
Itu dia, Mr.Director bagi ucapan..
thanks bro...
nice shot!best buddies ni.hehehe
another nice shot from Rodney!
gorgeous Grace, cute Fel & lovely Hazel..
sekian..salam sayang dari Miss Emilia Friendly:-) Maybe there wil be 2nd part..keep following.
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