3 hectic weeks in a row and here all in 1 post....
5 March-MJCC Dinner
This is the 1st MJCC Dinner I attend, and I'm the emcee for this dinner together with hot
Othniel.This dinner was held at Restoran Salim, Perling Johor. This place was so special, with
simple decoration,open air and located near the sea, I found peace here.The theme was hawaian and thanks to my beloved friend, Jok for that wonderful pareo.Highlight of the dinner:
1)celebrating final year student that will end their study soon
2)gather all MJCC members, students, alumni, cmt
3)farewell party for Fr.Jojo as he will transfer to Philipine soon.
don't want to talk too much, lets the photos desribe all..
all that present that night..x cukup space..ahaha
our beloved Fr.Jojo..gonna miss him so much..uhuhu
the emcee-me & Othniel..
wif c dayung anthea..
the foods..gila..5 star hotel punya standard..
MJCC Dinner 2011 committee member
pareo that turn to a nice dress..thanks Jok for this wonderful pareo..
12 March - UTM Borneo Night
Borneo night ni first event yang menggabungkan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Sarawak(MASSA) dan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Sabah (PERMAS).Diadakan bertujuan untuk membawa budaya Sabah Sarawak ke UTM, disamping mengumpulkan anak-anak Borneo UTM.Again, I'm the emcee for this event,juga bersama Othniel, n two others emcee Iffa and Chris..hehehe..lebih 200 orang juga yang datang malam tu..meriah.meriah sungguh..
ok, apa yang menarik tyme borneo nite ni:
1) YB Fadillah, Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi sanggup turun padang tuk jadi perasmi. Yang best, YB sporting ..YB round dari satu meja ke satu meja, beramah mesra dengan semua yang ada disana..paling last, YB bagi satu spesel lucky draw, & pemenang dapat return tiket jb-kuchng..paling mantap, bila YB pun ikut bertandak..terbaik YB..TNC pun happening, ikut bertandak juga:-)
2) Semua yang datang happening.Dengan segala fesyen baju, tak kira tradisional atau moden..bila main jak muzik, semua bangun dan menari..this how people at borneo celebrating our moments.hehe..
3)Persembahan semua mantap2..tak kira persembahan band, tarian, nyanyion solo, semua awesome!
4)Makanan sedap, menurut kawan-kawan, saya tak berkesempatan makan sangat, emcee kan..sempat test berokbok (makanan bugis) jak sikit..laksa sarawak taste dia kurang cikit saya dengar, yalah bukan ori dari sarawak kan.hehehe..tapi takpa, janji licin juga orang sapu..hehe.
4)Borneo night buat saya rasa di Borneo sekejap..terubat homesick..
klah, pun tak nak cerita banyak, gambar menceritakan segalanya..hehe
with Milton an Jimmy
with ex-KMLian..
the beauty of Malaysia..from left me-orang ulu,luvli-sari,anthea-bidayuh , del-bidayuh, pat-bidayuh..
the dancers
Gifters mengganas d Borneo Night...
with Cam-sabahan attire & jimmy-chinese attire
dengan cik bung..
dengan c superstar azri..main susah mok bergambar dengan dia ni.ramai yg dengki tgok.ahahaha..
always found that I'm beautiful in any traditional custome.ahahaha...proud to be the part of this beautiful culture.::mode masuk bakul angkat sendiri.aha
20 March-MJCC Battle Of The Band
Held at St.Henry Hall, Batu Pahat, this 3rd MJCC Battle of the Band(BOTB) really painted a wonderful moment to be remembered. With Kelly as our Bos terchenta, this event when well, walaupun sempat terdelay gara-gara blackout sekejap..8 band were participated...the unique thing about BOTB this year is that every group need to sing 2 songs with related to spiritual and humanity,and, one must be a new composed song by that band...with the theme M.ake U.s S.ing I.n C.hrist, everyone really enjoy the moments.x puas-puas, saya & Othniel jadi emcee lagi ni hari.ahahha..harap2 lpas ni, ada junior yg tampil ganti postion ni k..mok pencen suda saya ni.ahaha..I'm also in a band , the awesome band,the "Blackpepper" as vocalist..saya nyanyi tak berapa bagus hari tu, cause cannot hear my own voice..need more vocal classes..hehe..but never mind, the most important thing is I really enjoy while i'm performing, and we grab the 2nd place and "The Best Performance"..semua band pun all out hari tu, & rupanya, ramai yang berbakat di MJCC..harap2, keluarlah satu album MJCC lepas ni
:-)..bha, jom layan gambar...

3rd PLACE-3D from GIFT
OFFER TO YOU from GIFT..i want their t-shirt..uhuhu
GIBBOR-GIBBOR from ROCK..mantap suara vokalis dia:-)
D'SYCAMORE from LIFE, 1 & only represent Melaka side..
SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN from GIFT..semua junior kecuali....kamu pun tahu yang mana..ahhaa
BEST RYTHM-Claudius(3D)
BEST DRUMMER-sa lupa nama dia,sorry..(GIBBOR-GIBBOR)
BEST VOCALIST-Rio & Kelvin (ETERNITY)..sorry menyelit.aha
BEST PERFORMANCE-BLACKPEPPER..x sia2 head banging, melompat2, berbaring, & ada slide show..
blackpepper & wider brothers
bukan main jerit, x masuk key pun.,.ahaha...saya mksd sa..karl nyanyi mantap!
ramai kan..
pasukan sorak..
performance by cmt-mark & estelle..
performance by cmt-edrin& chalana
penyokong tegar ..hehe..tq dtg dr jauh.konvoi keta dr scc..
3 minggu ni memang minggu yang busy, sampai saya demam..tapi, minggu2 ni jugalah yang meninggalkan seribu satu kenangan buat saya..rasa semakin singkat masa untuk bersama teman-teman.uhuhu..gonna miss ol this moment..(macam final sem suda kan,.haha)
bha..sekian dulu..
photos by Rodney..thanks ya..
salam sayang